• 梵高之眼The Eyes Of Van Gogh(2005)

    梵高之眼The Eyes Of Van Gogh(2005),之眼,The Eyes of Van Gogh is a story, never told before, of the twelve nightmarish months van Gogh spent in the insane asylum at St. Remy. Through hallucinations, terrifying dreams and wrenching memories, ...

  • 木乃伊3The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor(2008)

    木乃伊3The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor(2008),木乃伊,中国,龙帝之墓,之眼,馆长,当场,唤醒,人民,1947年,中国宁夏。中国两千年前的始皇帝:龙帝之墓在此挖掘出土。同时在美国,大探险家欧康诺(Brendan Fraser饰)与夫人伊芙琳(Maria Bello饰)应邀,将传说中能带来永生的宝石“香格里拉之眼”送往中国,以示中美两国人民友谊长存。  不料,国民党军官(黄秋生饰)却和博物馆馆长勾结,当场抢走香格里拉之 ...
