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Java基础类源码分析:Object 全球百事通

Java基础类源码分析:Object 全球百事通

1 大纲



2 equals方法



在Java规范中,对equals方法的使用必须遵循以下几个原则:1)自反性。对于任何非空引用值x,x. equals(x)都应返回true。2)对称性。对于任何非空引用值x和y,当且仅当y. equals(x)返回true时,x.equals(y)才应返回true。3)传递性。对于任何非空引用值x、y和z,如果x. equals(y)返回true,并且y.equals(z)返回true,那么x. equals(z)应返回true。4)一致性。对于任何非空引用值x和y,多次调用x. equals(y)始终返回true或始终返回false,前提是对象上equals比较中所用的信息没有被修改。对于任何非空引用值x,x. equals(null)都应返回false。对于任何非空引用值x,x. equals(null)都应返回false。

3 hashCode方法



@IntrinsicCandidatepublic native int hashCode();



4 wait




public final void wait() throws InterruptedException {    wait(0L);}public final void wait(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException {    long comp = Blocker.begin();    try {        wait0(timeoutMillis);    } catch (InterruptedException e) {        Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();        if (thread.isVirtual())            thread.getAndClearInterrupt();        throw e;    } finally {        Blocker.end(comp);    }}// final modifier so method not in vtableprivate final native void wait0(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException;public final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {    if (timeoutMillis < 0) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeoutMillis value is negative");    }    if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException(                            "nanosecond timeout value out of range");    }    if (nanos > 0 && timeoutMillis < Long.MAX_VALUE) {        timeoutMillis++;    }    wait(timeoutMillis);}
public static void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException {    if (millis < 0) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");    }    if (currentThread() instanceof VirtualThread vthread) {        long nanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis);        vthread.sleepNanos(nanos);        return;    }    if (ThreadSleepEvent.isTurnedOn()) {        ThreadSleepEvent event = new ThreadSleepEvent();        try {            event.time = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis);            event.begin();            sleep0(millis);        } finally {            event.commit();        }    } else {        sleep0(millis);    }}private static native void sleep0(long millis) throws InterruptedException;


public final void await() throws InterruptedException {    if (Thread.interrupted())        throw new InterruptedException();    ConditionNode node = new ConditionNode();    int savedState = enableWait(node);//加入条件队列    LockSupport.setCurrentBlocker(this); // for back-compatibility,将AQS对象设置到thread中    boolean interrupted = false, cancelled = false, rejected = false;    while (!canReacquire(node)) {//如果被唤醒进入同步队列后就可以跳出循环        if (interrupted |= Thread.interrupted()) {            if (cancelled = (node.getAndUnsetStatus(COND) & COND) != 0)                break;              // else interrupted after signal        } else if ((node.status & COND) != 0) {            try {                if (rejected)                    node.block();                else                    ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(node);//阻塞线程,最终会调用LockSupport.park()            } catch (RejectedExecutionException ex) {                rejected = true;            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {                interrupted = true;            }        } else            Thread.onSpinWait();    // awoke while enqueuing    }//被唤醒    LockSupport.setCurrentBlocker(null);    node.clearStatus();////lock.lock()方法:acquire(null, arg, false, false, false, 0L);//重新获取锁时已原来的savedState    acquire(node, savedState, false, false, false, 0L);//重新获取锁,此时该节点已经进入了同步队列,有可能直接tryAcquire成功跳出循环,也可能需要两次循环修改node.status为WAITING、park。    if (interrupted) {        if (cancelled) {            unlinkCancelledWaiters(node);            throw new InterruptedException();        }        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();    }}

5 附录

public class Object {    @IntrinsicCandidate    public Object() {}    @IntrinsicCandidate    public final native Class<?> getClass();//返回类对象用于反射    @IntrinsicCandidate    public native int hashCode();    public boolean equals(Object obj) {        return (this == obj);    }    @IntrinsicCandidate    protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;    public String toString() {        return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());    }    @IntrinsicCandidate    public final native void notify();    @IntrinsicCandidate    public final native void notifyAll();    public final void wait() throws InterruptedException {        wait(0L);    }    public final void wait(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException {        long comp = Blocker.begin();        try {            wait0(timeoutMillis);        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();            if (thread.isVirtual())                thread.getAndClearInterrupt();            throw e;        } finally {            Blocker.end(comp);        }    }    // final modifier so method not in vtable    private final native void wait0(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException;    public final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {        if (timeoutMillis < 0) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeoutMillis value is negative");        }        if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException(                                "nanosecond timeout value out of range");        }        if (nanos > 0 && timeoutMillis < Long.MAX_VALUE) {            timeoutMillis++;        }        wait(timeoutMillis);    }    @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true)    protected void finalize() throws Throwable { }}