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音乐剧《剧院魅影》将于2023年 4 月 16 日结束其在百老汇的演出。这部在百老汇上演35年的作品也获得了美国戏剧史上最大就业机会的称号,其中也不乏一些为这部伟大作品工作了几十年的人们。以下文章编译自2023年1月9日broadwayworld.com的报道,作者为Chloe Rabinowitz。

  • 35 年前的1月9日,也就是 1988 年的 1 月 9 日,《剧院魅影》在百老汇的美琪剧院 (Majestic Theatre)进行了首次预演。

    1988 年的这一天,《剧院魅影》在百老汇的雄伟剧院进行了第一次预演。

    百老汇有史以来上演时间最长的演出将于 2023 年 4 月 16 日在百老汇的美琪剧院 (Majestic Theatre)举行最后一场演出,也就是庆祝其成立 35 周年的几个月后。该演出原定于 2023 年 2 月 18 日闭幕,但由于门票需求量大,在闭幕公告后延长了演出时间。

    2006 年 1 月 9 日,《剧院魅影》成为了百老汇历史上上演时间最长的演出!要想打破魅影“有史以来上演时间最长的百老汇演出”的记录,芝加哥将不得不继续在百老汇演出八年。

    安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯 (Andrew Lloyd Webber) 执导的已故哈罗德·普林斯 (Harold Prince) 执导的百老汇大片《剧院魅影》是世界上最成功的娱乐作品之一。由卡梅伦·麦金托什 (Cameron Mackintosh) 和 真正好集团(The Really Useful Group)制作的《剧院魅影》十多年来一直是百老汇历史上上演时间最长的演出,其在纽约和世界各地的惊人长寿是前所未有的。仅在百老汇,这部音乐剧就在美琪剧院 (Majestic Theatre)(西 44 街 245 号)为 1900 万人进行了前所未闻的 13,000 多场演出。该剧于 1988 年 1 月 9 日在美琪剧院 (Majestic Theatre)开始百老汇预演,并于 1988 年 1 月 26 日由迈克尔·克劳福德、莎拉·布莱曼和史蒂夫·巴顿主演。

    《剧院魅影》改编自加斯顿·勒鲁 (Gaston Leroux) 的经典小说《剧院魅影》(Le Fantôme de L'Opéra),安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯 (Andrew Lloyd Webber) 作曲,查尔斯·哈特 (Charles Hart) 作词,理查德·斯蒂尔戈 (Richard Stilgoe) 作词,理查德·斯蒂尔戈 (Richard Stilgoe) 和安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯 (Andrew Lloyd Webber) 作词。它由已故的哈罗德·普林斯执导。音乐舞台和编舞由已故的吉莉安·林恩 (Gillian Lynne) 负责。《剧院魅影》的制作设计由已故的玛丽亚·比翁森 (Maria Björnson)负责,灯光由安德鲁·布里奇(Andrew Bridge) 负责,音响由迈克尔·波特(Michael Potter) 负责,原声由马丁·莱文(Martin Levan) 负责。大卫·卡迪克(David Caddick)担任音乐监督和指挥,大卫·卡伦( David Cullen)和安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯担任编曲(Andrew Lloyd Webber)。

  • 2023年10月,《剧院魅影》将在北京天桥艺术中心·大剧场盛大上演!


    Rewind: Looking Back at THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA on the Anniversary of its First Broadway Preview

    The Phantom of the Opera performed its first preview at the Majestic Theatre 35 years ago today ( note: on January 9th ).

    35 years ago today ( note: on January 9th ), on January 9th, in 1988, The Phantom of the Opera had its first preview at the Majestic Theatre on Broadway.

    On this day in 1988 The Phantom of the Opera performed our first preview at Broadway's Majestic Theatre ?

    Broadway's longest-running show ever will take its final Broadway bow at the Majestic Theatre on April 16, 2023 a few months after celebrating its 35th anniversary. The show was previously set to close on February 18, 2023, but extended its run after the closing announcement due to a high demand for tickets.

    BroadwayWorld was on hand for The Phantom of the Opera's 34th anniversary celebration last year, in January of 2022.

    On January 9th in 2006, The Phantom of the Opera became Broadway's longest-running show in history! For Phantom's record of 'longest-running Broadway show of all-time' to be broken, Chicago will have to continue its Broadway run for another eight years.

    Broadway's blockbuster phenomenon, Andrew Lloyd Webber's THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, directed by the late Harold Prince, is one of the world's all-time most successful entertainment properties. Produced by Cameron Mackintosh and The Really Useful Group, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has been the longest-running show in Broadway history for well over a decade, and its astounding longevity in New York and around the world is unprecedented. On Broadway alone, the musical has played an unheard of more than 13,000 performances to 19 million people at The Majestic Theatre (245 West 44th Street). The show began Broadway previews at the Majestic Theatre on January 9, 1988 and opened on January 26, 1988 starring Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman and Steve Barton.

    Based on the classic novel Le Fantôme de L'Opéra by Gaston Leroux, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, has music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Charles Hart with additional lyrics by Richard Stilgoe and book by Richard Stilgoe and Andrew Lloyd Webber. It is directed by the late Harold Prince. Musical staging and choreography is by the late Gillian Lynne. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has production design by the late Maria Björnson®, lighting by Andrew Bridge and sound by Mick Potter with original sound by Martin Levan. Musical supervision and direction is by David Caddick and orchestrations are by David Cullen and Andrew Lloyd Webber.


















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    北京天桥艺术中心 / 天桥南大街9号楼

