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以下是E! News报道:

"That was a surreal bonus of lockdown," he told The Guardian in a new interview. "That's an understatement."


As Alwyn explained, he and Swift hadn't planned on working together, it came about organically. "It wasn't like, 'It's 5 o'clock, it's time to try and write a song together,'" he shared. "It came about from messing around on a piano, and singing badly, then being overheard, and being, like, 'Let's see what happens if we get to the end of it together.'"

正如阿尔文解释的那样,他和斯威夫特并没有计划一起创作,这是自然而然发生的。“这并不是说‘5 点了,该试着一起写首歌了,’”他分享说道,“我们一开始在胡乱弹钢琴,唱得不好,然后被人听到了,然后就像,‘让我们看看如果一起唱完会发生什么。’”


以下是E! News报道:

"I mean fun is such a stupid word, but it was a lot of fun," he continued. "And it was never a work thing, or a 'Let's try and do this because we're going to put this out' thing. It was just like baking sourdough in lockdown."


And as for that Grammy? As Alwyn noted, that was a "ridiculous bonus."



