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剧中的经典台词变成了英文,但配音演员的声线 与原版很贴近,让不少网友感到新奇又亲切。

  • 在英文版的《西游记》中, 悟空(Monkey)、八戒(Pigsy)和沙僧(Sandy)都有了自己的英文名

    我们熟知的地名也都有了它们的英文叫法,比如花果山 (Flower and Fruit Mountain 水帘洞 (Water Curtain Cave 东海龙宫(Dragon Palace of the Eastern Sea)

    大圣 (Great Sage 、定海神针(Tide Control Pillar)这些耳熟能详的名称也都被翻译成了英文。

  • 图源:央视频

    在一些大家倒背如流的片段里,孙悟空和银角大王会用英文battle, 妖精对唐僧的称呼也是一口一个“honey”,八戒会叫猴哥 “brother”,沙僧也会揶揄地称猪八戒为“Mr. Pig”(姓猪的)。

  • 电视剧《西游记》于1986年在央视首播,堪称最家喻户晓的国产电视剧。而这次英文版《西游记》的走红,又让这个版本在各大视频平台上火了一次。那些经典台词被译成英文后,更让大家感到耳目一新了。


    Dare you answer me when I call your name?


    Did the ape send you?


    I'm the King of Water Curtain Caveon Flower and Fruit Mountain.

    除此之外,在唐僧和八戒误喝了子母河 (Motherhood River 的水,险些要“怀孕”的桥段中,用英文 哭着喊着的八戒也被很多网友讨论。


    The river you drank from is Motherhood River. Only those over twenty in our country drink from the river, which makes us pregnant. I'm afraid your master and brother are pregnant now.


    The river you drank from is Motherhood River. Only those over twenty in our country drink from the river, which makes us pregnant. I'm afraid your master and brother are pregnant now.

  • 图源:央视频


  • 也有一些网友在看过片段之后开始对其他英文翻译感到好奇:

  • 据极目新闻消息,英文版本是于去年在央视某视频平台上线的,以往只在英语教学圈子里流传,没想到时隔一年就成为了各大短视频平台的焦点。

  • 所以如果你想在重温经典的同时又学习英语、练习听力,英文版的《西游记》是个不错的选择哦。


    最后,一起来看看经典的《西游记》余国藩译本 The Journey to The West 中,对这些 满载着我们童年回忆的台词是怎么翻译的吧。

  • 俺乃是五百年前大闹天宫的齐天大圣孙悟空!

    I'm Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who made havoc in Heaven five hundred years ago.


    Little ones, I'm back.


    Rescue me, Wukong.


    I am a priest from the Tang country in the East, and I am going to the Western Heaven to ask for holy ures.


    Do you have the guts to answer if I call your name?

  • 师傅请下马,我去化些斋来。

    Master, please dismount while I go begging.


    His Majesty sent me to patrol the mountains.


    Impudent ape, talking nonsense again!

  • 妖精!哪里走!

    Evil spirit, where do you think you're going?


    Hey! Are you reinforcements sent for by Monkey?

  • 吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老。

    Anyone who ate a piece of flesh of Tang Priest would live as long as heaven and earth.


    Evil beast! Turn back into yourself at once if you want to be spared the death penalty.

  • 大圣,收了神通罢。

    Great Sage, give your magic powers a rest.


    You've got no common sense, Protector of the Horses.


    You idiot, who said you could sleep here instead of begging for food as our master told you?


    A monk, Your Majesty. He has a large face and a round head, and his ears hang down to his shoulders. His flesh looks most tender and his skin extremely delicate. He's a very promising monk.


    I am the Handsome Monkey King in the Water Curtain Cave of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. With my somersault cloud I can cover thirty−six thousand miles in a single bound. Moreover, I can do seventy−two kinds of transformations.

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    来源:中国日报综合极目新闻 央视频