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马尔亚之战HBO:The Battle for Marjah‎(2010) | 本剧完结

  • 原名:HBO:The Battle for Marjah‎
  • 地区:美国
  • 语 言:英语
  • 首播:2010-02-14 周日
  • 电视台:HBO
  • 类型:纪录
  • 翻译:暂无
  • IMDB:7.4分  tt1866255

马尔亚之战,HBO:The Battle for Marjah‎,海报


US Marines and Afghan troops mounted a massive operation in the
southern town of Marjah this spring and troops are increasing pressure
in the southeastern province of Kandahar -- the birthplace of the former
Taliban regime. With Karzai in Washington as part of a four-day US
visit, President Barack Obama was holding a series of closed-door
meetings on Afghanistan and was due to meet with the Afghan leader on