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美国白马王子The Bachelor(2002) | 第27季连载中

  • 原名:The Bachelor
  • 地区:美国
  • 语 言:英语
  • 首播:2002-03-15 周五
  • 电视台:ABC
  • 类型:喜剧/生活/偶像/青春/爱情/真人秀
  • 翻译:暂无
  • IMDB:3.2分/6842人评  tt0313038
  • 别名:美国白马王子 / 美国单身汉真人秀
  • 导演:Guido Verweyen
  • 編劇:Mike Fleiss
  • 主演:Jesse Palmer / Chris Harrison / Peter Weber / Arie / Corinne Olympios / 艾丽卡·罗丝 / Kirsten Buschbacher / Merrilee Donohue / Meredith Phillips / Courtney Chan / Angelique Madrid / Krisily Kennedy / Debby / Jen Schefft / Cari / Fatima Rivas / 林赛·金 / 科尔顿·安德伍德

美国白马王子,The Bachelor,美国白马王子 / 美国单身汉真人秀海报

The new Bachelor will get to know the 25 women in a series of fun, exciting and exotic dates that will elicit real and raw emotions. As in the past, women will continue to be eliminated each week, but if, at any point along the way, a woman should decide that she's no longer interested in the Bachelor, she can reject his invitation to continue dating. Some lucky women will meet his family, and he will visit their hometowns for a slice of their life in an effort to determine the woman with whom he is most compatible.
At the end of the journey, the Bachelor may quite possibly have found true love. But the big question is: After all of this, will he pop the question, and will she say yes?