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华晨宇出道周年文案 华晨宇出道周年文案图片

一,待我脱去校服,必赴红海之约.When I take off my school uniform, I will go to the Red Sea.

二,努力赴约红海,期待欢迎回家.Try to go to the Red Sea and look forward to welcoming home.

三,我们都要好好的.We should all be fine.

四,华晨宇值得我的偏爱和例外.Hua Chenyu deserves my preference and exception.


《Why Nobody Fights》。




一,待我脱去校服,必赴红海之约.When I take off my school uniform, I will go to the Red Sea.

二,努力赴约红海,期待欢迎回家.Try to go to the Red Sea and look forward to welcoming home.

三,我们都要好好的.We should all be fine.

四,华晨宇值得我的偏爱和例外.Hua Chenyu deserves my preference and exception.