They looked anxiously at each other.他们焦虑地看着对方。She is sleeping upstairs.她正在楼上睡觉。They will leave tomorrow. 他们明天将离开。(2)若这个动词带宾语,则副词放在此宾语之后。
I read the instructions carefully.我仔细地阅读了说明。We will see you tomorrow. 我们明天见。(3)表示时间的副词也可以放在句首。
2.程度副词和频度副词(1)一些副词放在主要动词之前,be 动词除外。这些副词包括程度副词(如 probably, definitely, certainly),频度副词(如 often, sometimes , rarely)以及副词 still。
She sometimes visits us. 她有时会来看望我们。She still lives in London。她仍然住在伦敦。(2)若动词为 be,副词则放在其后 。
They are probably expensive。它们可能非常昂贵。She was still beautiful。她依旧美丽。(3)句中有助动词时,副词放在助动词之后。
They will probably leave.他们可能会离开。They have often helped us in the past.过去他们经常帮助我们。3. only(1)olny 表示“别无他人或他物”或“不超过某一数量或大小”。
olny 可放在一个句子的主语之前。
Only his close friends knew how ill he was.只有他的好友知道他的病情有多严重。(2)only 也可放动词之前、第一个助动词之后,动词 be 除外。
They only w went as far as the station.他们只走到火车站那么远。We could only choose two of them.我们只能从中选出两个。(3) 如果动词是 be 的某种形式,则将 olny 放在其后。
There is only one train that goes from Denmark to Sweden by night.晚上只有一趟从丹麦发往瑞典的火车。