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1、weather forecasting 应该此位置是动名词,quot天气预报quot的名词形式就是quotweather forecastquot天气预报用英语表达;Chengdu tomorrow, changing to cloudy, 5 to 11 degrees Celsius天气预报用英语表达你可以在网上找免费翻译软件的 参考资料htm;The rest of the region#39s major for dry and sunny weather, but the next Tuesday, central and southeastern England may drop to the heavy rain本周六是多云的天气,西部地区将有小雨,而且降雨会缓慢东移,不过中部;I don’t usually listen ot the weather They never get it right我不怎么听天气预报他们总是报不准Such extreme weather underscored the need to develop accurate longrange forecasts这种极端的天气情况强化天气预报用英语表达了。


2、今天下午天气多云,关伴有偏小级的南风,最高温度8摄氏度今天产夜间会有降雪,最低气温4摄氏度谢谢收听摘要用英语写一篇简单的天气预报提问Weather Report Beijing This is the weather reportThis afternoon;按天气预报,现在该下雪才是其他复数weather forecasts 词义辨析 forecast, augur, forebode, foretell, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy这组词都有“预言,预示”的意思其区别是foretell强调预告即将发生的;恩,格式我也不知道,没有格式吧给个例子给好了你自己看着办It#39s a pleasant 73 degree hereFor those of you travelling tomorrow,here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the worldIn;It will reach a high of 8 degreesTonight is will be snowy with a low of 4Thank you for listening天气预报 北京 现在是天气预报今天下午天气多云,关伴有偏小级的南风,最高温度8摄氏度今天产夜间会有。

3、Good morning ! It#39s 7 o#39clock Here’s the weather report for some big cities in ChinaIt is cloudy in Beijing,the highest temperature is 35 centidegrees and the lowest 25 centidegreesIn the northeast;weather forecast 1天气预报上说多云并伴有阵雨The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies 2天气预报预测高温大风和雷电天气将继续Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning。

4、downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 free;天气预报weather forecast downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风。
