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最高纪录Maximum Conviction‎(2012)

  • 原名:Maximum Conviction‎
  • 地区:美国
  • 语 言:英语
  • 首播:2012-03-07 周三
  • 制作公司:
  • 类型:动作/惊悚/冒险
  • 翻译:暂无
  • IMDB:4.8分/6799人评  tt2119474
  • 别名:沈黙の監獄(日) / 重地雇佣兵
  • 导演:基翁尼·韦克斯曼
  • 主演:史蒂文·席格 / 史蒂夫·奥斯汀 / 阿莉娅·奥伯里恩 / 宋琇萱

最高纪录,Maximum Conviction‎,沈黙の監獄(日) / 重地雇佣兵海报


  When former black ops operative Tom Steele (Seagal) and his partner Manning (Austin) are assigned to decommission an old prison, they must oversee the arrival of two mysterious female prisoners. Before long, an elite force of mercenaries assault the prison in search of the new arrivals. As the true identities of the women are revealed, Steele realizes he's caught in the middle of something far bigger than he had imagined.