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Video丨Thank Chengdu for fantastic Universiade: International students

Video丨Thank Chengdu for fantastic Universiade: International students



The 31st FISU World University Games closed on Tuesday evening at Open Air Music Park of Chengdu, capital of southwest China"s Sichuan province.

The days in Chengdu have become a wonderful memory for international athlestes. Let"s listen to their heartfelt words about their trip to Chengdu, China.

视频 | 成都大运会今晚落幕,外国运动员依依不舍

在为期十二天精彩纷呈的赛事后,成都大运会在8月8日晚落下帷幕。在成都的这段日子,成为外国大学生们的美好回忆。临别时分,听听他们对中国之行、成都之旅的真心话。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

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