一般用 reluctant 较多,比如:
This dream has no end, but how also reluctant to wake up.这一场梦没有终点,却怎么也舍不得醒来。
The boy keeps looking back at the assistant, fascinated, as if reluctant to leave.男孩一直出神地看着那位助理,似乎舍不得离开。
She will grudge a penny even to the poor beggar.她连给最穷的乞丐一个便士都舍不得。
Less and less customers will go to you, if you grudge the over-dued goods.如果你舍不得把过期的食物扔掉,那么你一定舍得客人不再来。
If love, unwilling to make a bet, unwilling to be separate forever, is it have tooth pulled out illness like a bit to make to want at least.爱情,若舍不得下注,舍不得生离死别,至少也得制造一点拔牙般的痛。
After the toastmaster proclaimed that the lecture was over, the students was still unwilling to leave.持人宣布了演讲结束后,同学们依旧舍不得离去。
Her son cut to the heart to let her go.她的儿子舍不得她走。
I really hate to part with you.我真的舍不得你。
The children were having so much fun, I hated to call them inside.孩子们玩得正开心,我舍不得不他们叫进来。
When becomes a habit, but never rely on to leave.当成为一种习惯,却再也舍不得离开。
Think of these hardworking gardener, I really want to leave here.想到那些辛勤的园丁,我还真舍不得离开这里。
I begrudge spending so much money on fares.我可舍不得把这么多钱花在票价上。
Do tear yourself away from the television and come out for a walk.你别舍不得离开电视了,出去散散步吧。
Someone gave her a little taste, and she could not bear to eat, all stuffed into my mouth.某人给她一点好吃的,而她舍不得吃,全塞到我嘴巴里。
She seemed as jealous of Romeo going from her, as a young girl of her bird.她舍不得叫罗密欧走开,像个年轻女孩舍不得放走她的鸟儿一样。
He loves me too much, even doesn't want to separate with me for a second.他太爱我了,片刻都舍不得和我分开。
Me, too! I'm sorry to see you go.我也舍不得你们走啊!
It may be intellectual Swiss cheese, but it's far too profitable for Wall Street to let it go.尽管这可能只是精神上的瑞士奶酪,可是还是好得让华尔街舍不得放手。